Heron Place, West Granton Harbour
Waterfront Residential Development and associated landscape.
The development of 104 new build homes comprises of 22 family 2-storey homes and 82 one and two bedroom flats. 100% affordable housing, mid-market rent and social rent.
At a Glance
Location Edinburgh
Client Port of Leith Housing Association/Harbour Homes Scotland
Site Area 1.0 Ha approximately
Contract Value £11m
Status Completed
Urban Response
The proposal contributes to the comprehensive regeneration and improvement of the wider area as well as any future plans for the strategic development of Granton Harbour. It aims to enhance the existing adjoining neighbourhood and provide a co-ordinated development comprising a range of significant urban and economic improvements. This is achieved by the enhancement of Public Realm; the provision of a wide range of sustainable and affordable modern duplexes and flats with their own private amenity and green space. Early integration for a sustainable and flood risk design resilience in accordance to Scottish Planning Policy SPP7 Planning and Flooding and PPS25 Development and Flood Risk.
The proposals define a clear streetscape of Hesperus Crossway and Heron Place with a continuous urban frontage. The proposals step down in height to the East as they approach the corner of Hesperus Crossway (South) from Heron Place and follow the same height all the way around until the North Elevation where it rises two additional storeys to follow the height line of the adjacent building.
The central courtyard benefits from high level of daylight and sunlight thanks to the proposed gaps between the four blocks and to the lower southern and eastern blocks.
Building Information Modelling
The project is fully BIM modelled with both architects and engineers input.
Find out more about our expertise in Building Information Modelling Systems (BIM).
Place Making
One driving design principle is to create a variety of flat types for affordable housing with the amenity of the residents promoted through consideration of open sea front views, sunlight, large well designed shared and private open spaces.